Currently Browsing: Cup Cakes

Double Shot – Sweet Potato Bourbon Cupcakes

Double Shot  – Sweet Potato Bourbon Cupcakes

As Thanksgiving approaches so is the need to get creative with Sweet Potatoes, and nothing sparks creativity like a shot of Bourbon!
If you are at an adult function then you can really pour in the bourbon, so these are now like little sweet potato bourbon shots! How divine and naughty is that. The recipe is from bakerella and she suggests as well adding more whiskey. She says that if she had to make these over again, she would find a way to just add the bourbon to the vanilla glaze. So it’s now a double – a shot inside and a shot on top.
Warm these up after a meal with some coffee and its Nighty Night! You know what to do….hit the Recipe Button and BAKE!!

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¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)


Hershey Kiss Acorn Topped Spice Pumpkin Cupcakes

Hershey Kiss Acorn Topped Spice Pumpkin Cupcakes

These are Thanksgiving cupcakes, there is no doubt about it.  I tried to place them in multiple categories and you really can’t.  Fall cupcakes?? Maybe.

The design of these cupcake are just divine because the acorns are brilliant.  If you look closely you can see that they are made from Hershey’s kisses and they have Nutter Butter Mini’s as tops.  When you twist the minis apart, there is still just enough peanut butter there (resist the need to lick) and use that peanut butter to stick to the Hershey Kisses.  Then use a chocolate chip for the little acorn stem.

The hardest part of the whole damn recipe was the stem!  The recipe will tell that the heat from your hand is enough to melt the acorn stem to the top of the “Nutter Butter” mini.  I must be cold blooded because it didn’t melt.  What I ended up doing  using a warm cup of coffee and pressing the chip up to the cup.  Then I stuck it right to the top.  Worked like a charm.  Let’s see how well you do.  Hit the Button and BAKE!

Click For Recipe!

¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)

Java Cup cake

Thanksgiving Day Purple Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Candied Pecans

Thanksgiving Day Purple Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Candied Pecans

Don’t be thrown off by the purple sweet potato.  I sure was.  I actually never heard of a purple sweet potato until this recipe.  That goes to show you what kind of chef I am.

They look exactly like sweet potatoes but they are purple.  When I say exactly, I mean exactly.  Shoprite didn’t carry them, I had to hunt them down at whole foods just because I’m obsessed with trying to stay true to a recipe.  You can use regular sweet potatoes and it should taste just as great.

Ok, maybe I didn’t stay  completely “true” to the recipe.  I decided not to candy my own Pecans.  I walked by them in the aisle and brought them. I figured, if I ran out of steam towards the end of the recipe, I could use them….Guess what? This b*tch ran out of steam.  But I had good intentions.  Let’s see how well you do….hit the “Recipe”  button and BAKE!

Click For Recipe!

¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)

be confectionate

Thanksgiving Oreo Cookie Turkey Cupcakes

Thanksgiving Oreo Cookie Turkey Cupcakes

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it.  In a search to find something to do with the dreadful candy corns I had left over from our Hurricane Halloween Party I stumbled on to some recipes.

Brown Eyed Baker provided a link to the Oreo Cookie Turkeys and she had the brilliant idea of putting them on top of a cupcake.  You can do many things with the Oreo Cookie Turkey, but putting it on a cupcake is shear genius.  Mix and match colors and cupcake flavors as you see fit, or as your pantry has ingredients.  I have my turkeys sitting on Red Velvet today.   Hit the Recipe but below and start baking!

Click For Recipe!

¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)

our best bites

The Greatest Peanut Butter Cupcake on The Planet!

The Greatest Peanut Butter Cupcake on The Planet!

If you just want a peanut butter cupcake recipe, this is the best I have tasted so far.

Warning – the pictures are going to look way more intimidating then the actual recipe.  Also, don’t be put off by peanut butter with the peanut butter frosting….it’s not as overbearing as it sounds.  It’s actually quite perfect.

Now those are the warnings, here are the tips:  As the author suggest, break the recipe up into two parts by cooking the praline a day or so ahead.  I just found that the total process took a little bit longer than I expected, part of the reason was the caramelizing bananas.  That was my first time attempting it and had to do it twice.  It’s just like frying platinos but if you overcook them they get soggy.  At this point in the recipe I was so close to completion that caramelizing a 2nd banana was torture…I was so close but so far. The pay off and the reaction was great!!  Click the recipe button and Bake!!

Click For Recipe!

¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)

the luna cafe

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