
Mini Smore’s Cheesecake Cupcakes

Mini Smore’s Cheesecake Cupcakes

It happens every time.  I’m looking for a recipe for one thing and stumble on to a gem!

Who would have thought to combine Smore’s with cheesecake!  Genius.  Here is the little tip that I learned from this recipe- I will also post this on the fan page.  If you can’t get the little suckers out of the pan in one piece, freeze the muffin pan for 15 minutes.  Then take a butter knife and hold it under warm water and then run it around the pan.  It works like a charm.  They all come out perfect without crumbling.  However the two that I struggled with that broke apart taste so good warm right out of the oven. 

I skipped the Flambé option.  Our smoke detector already went off this morning when I was cooking breakfast.  No need to hear the hubby yelling twice.  Click the Recipe Button and BAKE!

Click For Recipe!

¸.•´¯) *Link To Detailed Recipe —oOOo—-‘(__)’—-oOOo—Is Right Under Your Nose*¸.•´¯)

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